Observing impacts of LADP to Busoni and Giteranyi Communities
to refine livelihoods of Rusumo communities
On 15th and 16th September 2022, Burundi Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Hydraulic, Energy and Mines, Ms. Selemani Khamissi toured sub-projects of the Local Development Program (LADP) implemented in Kirundo and Muyinga Provinces, Busoni and Giteranyi Communes respectively in the spirit to follow up on completion of all projects implemented during the first phase.
The Energy Permanent Secretary was accompanied by Director General of AHAMR (Agence Burundaise de l’Hydraulique et de l’Assainissement en Milieu Rural), Inspector General of Burundi Ministry of Energy, Burundi RPCL Board of Directors as well as NELSAP Project Management and RPCL representatives.
On 15th September 2022, the visiting officials were received by the Chief of Cabinet in the Office of Kirundo Governor, Mr. Eric NDUWAYEZU for a brief introduction of the visit. He welcomed the delegation with an appreciation note on the social positive changes brought by LADP Busoni.
Later, visitors were taken to the 39 km of water supply system that was rehabilitated and extended in villages of Kigeri, Rwibikara Bishisha, ,Gasenyi border on Bishisha side, with water collected by drilling , and Gacamihigo, Rutabo, Murore, Rurira, Kabanga with water received by catchment of five sources. The visit was led by Busoni Commune Administrator, Mr. Dismas NSAVYIMANA. He took visitors to Murore Youth Centre and Rugando Health Centre. The social infrastructures are now staffed and equipped.
On 16th September 2022, the high-level visitors were received by Ms. Denise NDARUHEKERE, the Chief of Cabinet in Muyinga Governor’s Office. She reiterated her commitment to overcome all challenges that were highlighted in water projects and to ensure that Giteranyi communities have full access potable water from LADP Giteranyi.
Burundi Energy PS was taken to the 30 km of water supply system rehabilitated and extended to neighbouring villages to check if all water sources are benefiting communities. Ms. Floride NDUWAYEZU, Administrator of Giteranyi Communes escorted the visitors to Ruzo Youth Centre, Bugoma Health Centre as well as Giteranyi Commune Head office; construction of Kinanira hangars is ongoing.
During his interview with Burundi national media, Radio Television Nationale du Burundi, the PS of the Energy Ministry, acknowledged the joint effort made by all actors to execute these socio-economic projects.
“I command the support of provinces and communes’ leaderships to the realization of LADP projects, and I request all LADP actors to close all pending works to ensure that water supply systems properly reach all water serving points”, he said.
Health and educational LADP projects are now operational. In and outpatients are benefiting from Bugoma and Rugando. Women living in the surrounding villages are now taking children to health facilities not far from their houses, they are fetching waters in their neighbourhood. This is increasing quality of their daily life.
“I call upon support of all actors to ensure that water supply systems be functional as soon as possible and serve the purpose”, he added.
The same program was executed in other neighboring districts whereby access to clean water, schools and roads were built under LADP. Kigina Health centre is now benefiting local communities, water supply system is improving livelihoods of Ngoma Districts in Rwanda, secondary schools and health centres are improving lives of youth and communities in general in Ngara District of Tanzania.